Light theme:
Irina (ID: 307134) Offline
Status: I believe that we can have a good foundation of our communication...
Country: Ukraine
City: Nikolaev
Age: 50
Weight:120 lbs. (54kg.)
Height: 5'8" (1.73m)
Languages: Russian, Ukrainian
Body type: Thin
Hair color: Brown
Hair length: Averages
Eye color: Gray
Ethnicity: European
Marital status: Divorced
Life priorities: Creative realization, Emotional balance, Family, long term relations, Maximum of sex
Smoker: No
Drinker: Only light alcohol
Place of residing: Apartment
Children: 1 child

Looking for : Just mature woman knows what the man needs and wants. I am here to make you happy if I will find you.

About me : I have an adult daughter, she is an independent lady already and I decided that now is the time for myself.

My favorite food : I always love to try something new and special.

My hobbies and what I'm good at : My work is my hobby.

Talking about sports : I don't want even talk about this :) I do not lead a healthy lifestyle, I lead a happy lifestyle :)

You should message me if : you would like to be happy with a good woman as I am)))

Job : I am working as a decorator. I have my own business and I am organizing a lot of weddings, birthdays and holidays what people order.