Light theme:
Tatyana (ID: 308884) Offline
Country: Ukraine
City: Nikolaev
Age: 33
Weight:115 lbs. (52kg.)
Height: 5'6" (1.68m)
Languages: English, Russian, Ukrainian
Body type: Thin
Hair color: Light blonde
Hair length: Long
Eye color: Blue
Marital status: Single
Children: No children
Life priorities: Career, Creative realization, Emotional balance, Family, long term relations, Material welfare, Maximum of sex, Public activity
Smoker: No
Drinker: Socially drinker
Life priorities: Other
Financial position: Stable average income

Looking for : I think that many people would consider me very strange just because I want to find my love through the internet, don’t you think so?? But I am wondering who has created all the rules and standards in the world?? We have. And it would be very sad life if you will follow all the rules, so I think that if you want to breathe fresh air – than you should open the window!! Why not??? I want to find mature man, who is down to earth and takes everything as it is. I want him to be strong and tender, wise and open – minded. I want him to be my one and only man.

About me : I am sweet and adventures girl. But I am romantic and tender at the same time. I always can find a way out of any situation with bright smile upon my face. I am open - minded and easy- going; I am trying to be honest as far as I can. I am mature woman and I know exactly what I want to find in my life. I like to read magazines time to time, I am interested in vogue, I guess like every woman.)) I just simply adore children and I certainly want to have my own in future. I like to watch football, even if you can’t believe it, it is true))

My hobbies and what I'm good at : I think that many people would consider me very strange just because I want to find my love through the internet, don’t you think so?? But I am wondering who has created all the rules and standards in the world?? We have. And it would be very sad life if you will follow all the rules, so I think that if you want to breathe fresh air – than you should open the window!! Why not??? I want to find mature man, who is down to earth and takes everything as it is. I want him to be strong and tender, wise and open – minded. I want him to be my one and only man.