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Anastasiya (ID: 1138323) Online
Status: You're smart, I'm beautiful. Let's complete each other....
Country: Ukraine
City: Kiev
Age: 23
Weight:120 lbs. (54kg.)
Height: 5'9" (1.75m)
Languages: English, Russian, Ukrainian
Body type: Athletic
Hair color: Chestnut
Hair length: Averages
Eye color: Blue
Ethnicity: European
Marital status: Divorced
On the body: Tattoos
Life priorities: Family, long term relations
Smoker: No
Drinker: No
Financial position: Stable average income
Place of residing: Apartment
Children: 1 child

Looking for : I am looking for somebody who is genuinely kind by his nature, who wants to become a loving husband, who wants a woman who will take care of our home, making it a cozy place. The man I am looking for has to be a strong but kind soul. Kindness is what makes a man perfect for me! It's the ability to find joy in little things. It also means being none judgmental as acceptance and tolerance are the essential parts of kindness. Ask yourself... All that I have written here... is about you? Then, I look forward to your letters!

About me : Hi)) how are you?? how is life there?? I still hope to catch your attention)) I look for, perhaps, the last man who as well as I BELIEVE IN LOVE... Today more What about me... I am the one who is always ready to help people. Being a romantic I have many dreams and bright imagination but I stand with my both feet on the ground and have a very down-to-earth and realistic views to life. I am flexible to changes and ready to overcome hardships if they appear. My close people say that I am a wonderful housewife, so, I promise that my man will always feel himself comfortable and satiated )) So, I can tell you more about myself.... but if you want it write me )

My hobbies and what I'm good at : Singing

You should message me if : You also looking for a love here

Job : Manager