Light theme:
Janna (ID: 804295) Offline
Status: sos want a love...
Country: Ukraine
City: Kharkov
Age: 41
Weight:130 lbs. (59kg.)
Height: 5'6" (1.68m)
Languages: English, Russian, Ukrainian
Hair color: Brown
Hair length: Averages
Eye color: Brown
Ethnicity: European
Marital status: Single
Children: No children
Life priorities: Creative realization, Emotional balance, Family, long term relations
Smoker: No
Drinker: Only light alcohol
Life priorities: Other
Financial position: Stable average income
Place of residing: Apartment

Looking for : I am looking for a strong man. The strength of the body is not as important as the strength of the spirit. honest faithful cheerful kind. I hope I'm lucky. I believe in fate and maybe all my criteria for a man will disappear when I see the eyes of my beloved. who knows )

About me : I still can't believe that I'm here on the site and now I'm looking for a man. this is what happened with the current situation. I had to pick the city where I was born and worked. and now I live in another city in ukraine closer to the west) My character does not allow me to approach a man first or make it clear to me first that I like him. but I am here ! I will try to look for my love. I am a car mechanic by education, my hobby is a boxer. I am alone in the family. unfortunately the parents are gone. I'm all alone in this world. best dating sites

Qualities that I appreciate in people the most : The most important thing is that you have a kind soul

My goals for the future : I want to find my man, my soulmate and live a happy life with him and make plans for the future together

My travel destinations (past or future) : only russia and ukraine

I spend a lot of time thinking about (or my dream is) : I love the supernatural

My favorite movies, books, music, shows : films - detectives, science fiction, history. mood music. food I like something juicy, Chinese, Spanish cuisine. I also love to cook new .

My hobbies and what I'm good at : boxing, kitchen, travel, puzzles

The five things I can't live without : probably like all people water, food, sports, pleasure, massage

You should message me if : if you are lonely and looking for love... write

Job : mechanic / boxer