Light theme:
Larysa (ID: 656513) Offline
Country: Ukraine
City: Kharkov
Age: 42
Weight:120 lbs. (54kg.)
Height: 5'3" (1.60m)
Languages: Russian, Ukrainian
Body type: Thin
Hair color: Brown
Eye color: Brown
Marital status: Widowed
On the body: Tattoos
Life priorities: Emotional balance, Family, long term relations, Material welfare, Maximum of sex
Smoker: No
Drinker: No
Children: 1 child

Looking for : My man should have 3 “S” – smart, serious, sexy! I want to find a man who will complete my life and my personality, we should be like Yin Yang – compatible in every field of life, agree? I want my man to be a real gentleman, with good manners and memory – he should never forget our special dates, he should be attentive to me and be aware that I prefer red roses and coffee with chocolate croissants in the morning! I would like my partner to be sensual and caring, not afraid to show his feelings and emotions, kiss me when he wants it, and look into my eyes like I am the only girl in the world. A good sense of humor will be a plus. I want my man to be educated, with wide area of thoughts, so we can talk for hours about everything.

About me : What should you know about me before you get in touch with me? First of all I am full of energy and life, I cant sit straight for a long time. I believe life is motion, so I move and make everyone around me move too! My work is connected with physical activity - I am a personal fitness trainer, I help people to achieve their goal and get the body of their dreams! Maybe I will make your dreams come true too? When I am around my people, my closest friends and family then I can relax and sit down on weekends I like passive activities. I am sincere and open in my feelings, I am not afraid to tell people what I think, I am not afraid of being myself.

Qualities that I appreciate in people the most : honesty, nobelty, being true to his word

My travel destinations (past or future) : I've been to Poland but I dream of exploring Europe and the world. I would love to visit Venice. I want to have a trip to India and discover it's unique culture and also I would love to see Japan and Tokyo with my own eyes.

My favorite movies, books, music, shows : I like detective stories and books with mystery plot. My favorite author is Agatha Christie, Arthur Conan Doyle, I also like fantasy worlds: Harry Potter, Witcher, Hunger Games, Hobbit, and more - these are movies we like to rewatch with my son when we have free time.

My favorite food : My grandmother's apple pie - charlotte, she cooks it the best!

Talking about sports : I love sports and different activities, like riding a bike, playing volleyball, swimming in summer and skiing in winter. I work in gym and my life is connected with sport everyday.

Job : personal fitness instructor
