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Yuliya (ID: 702447) Online
Status: Today is a great day to chat))...
Country: Ukraine
City: Uman'
Age: 27
Weight:135 lbs. (61kg.)
Height: 5'6" (1.68m)
Languages: Russian, Ukrainian
Body type: Thin
Hair color: Chestnut
Hair length: Long
Eye color: Brown
Ethnicity: European
Marital status: Single
Children: No children
Life priorities: Family, long term relations, Maximum of sex
Smoker: No
Drinker: Only light alcohol
Financial position: Stable average income
Place of residing: Apartment

Looking for : I am looking for a well-bread, educated, intelligent man with high family values. I want my man to be interesting to talk to and always have topics to discuss. I am looking for a man who is understanding of women's nature and can be strong when his broad shoulders are needed.

About me : My favorite colors are red. In the morning I love having a cup of good coffee with cinnamon and honey. I enjoy life in the best way possible.

Qualities that I appreciate in people the most : Loyalty, sincerity, kindness

My goals for the future : Meet your love and build a strong family

My travel destinations (past or future) : I love traveling and have been to Turkey and Italy.

I spend a lot of time thinking about (or my dream is) : Dream of traveling with your loved one)

My favorite movies, books, music, shows : I like to read dramas. Movie comedies

My favorite food : I love seafood and fish

Pets in my life : I don't have pets

My hobbies and what I'm good at : I am fond of music

Talking about sports : I like to visit the gym

The five things I can't live without : Without family, love, friends, self-care and without delicious coffee

You should message me if : You have to write to me if you dream of a well-groomed girl who will always smell good and delight you with her beauty and delicious food, care

Job : Waitress, Musician