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Taisiya (ID: 1062721) Online
Country: Ukraine
City: Odessa
Age: 20
Weight:125 lbs. (57kg.)
Height: 5'8" (1.73m)
Languages: English, Russian, Ukrainian
Body type: Thin
Hair color: Blond
Hair length: Averages
Eye color: Blue
Ethnicity: European
Marital status: Single
Children: No children
Life priorities: Family, long term relations
Smoker: No
Drinker: Socially drinker
Financial position: Stable, but small income
Place of residing: Apartment

Looking for : looking for a good, successful man. I really want to find my love, introduce him to my friends, spend time together, walk near the sea, and just live.

About me : Hello. My name is Taisiya, but everyone calls me Taya. I am 19 years old. I was born in the Rivne region, in Ukraine, but I have been living in Odessa near the sea for many years, and I still love this city very much. I live alone and study at the university. In my spare time, I like to hang out with friends and have fun.

Qualities that I appreciate in people the most : I appreciate good, positive, successful people

My goals for the future : become a model

My favorite movies, books, music, shows : Favorite music: pop music Movies from netflix Favorite books are "Thousand memorial kisses", and "Tilli Cole"

My favorite food : I like to eat sweets and pasta

My hobbies and what I'm good at : My hobbies are volleyball, drawing, gym, checkers, chess, I like to go to interesting places with friends

Talking about sports : i like to play volleyball

The five things I can't live without : I can't live without traveling, without food, without music, without money, without love