Light theme:
Lyudmila (ID: 1335964) Offline
Country: Ukraine
City: Cherkassy
Age: 19
Weight:100 lbs. (45kg.)
Height: 5'4" (1.63m)
Languages: Russian, Ukrainian
Body type: Thin
Hair color: Black
Hair length: Averages
Eye color: Brown
Ethnicity: European
Marital status: Single
Children: No children
Life priorities: Career, Creative realization, Emotional balance, Family, long term relations
Smoker: No
Drinker: No
Life priorities: Other
Place of residing: Apartment

Looking for : I have never had an ideal image of a man or any specific criteria that I would like to see in him, I think that everything becomes clear from the first word, the chemistry between partners is very important and I need exactly the man who will feel me the same way I will feel it I would like to find a man who would be attentive and gentle to me, who would not be afraid to show me his emotions, I think only when I can fully understand how my man feels, only then can I make him truly happy, and I would like him to be so tried to make me happy

About me : I don’t stand out among the other thousands of girls with whom you could talk, I’m a simple girl who recently entered adulthood and realized that now is the best time to find a man whom I can love and he can love me. I would like a simple relationship like it was before with sincerity and honesty which becomes true love... I think there is no greater happiness for a woman when she stands behind a strong and reliable man whom she can take care of and show herself as she is

Qualities that I appreciate in people the most : honesty, openness, tact, devotion

My travel destinations (past or future) : Europe, America, Japan, Australia, Central Asia

My favorite food : Udon

Pets in my life : no, but I would really like a dog

My hobbies and what I'm good at : crossfit

Talking about sports : Martial arts

You should message me if : if you are looking for sincere feelings and emotions

Job : I work as a maid, I have always loved cleanliness and don’t mind helping those who don’t like to clean but always want the house to be clean, many say that this is an unworthy job, but I believe that every job is important, no matter what it is