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Our Members' Stories

Daniel, 54

I can definitely say that I got what I was looking for on this dating site. I found my girlfriend, and we're very happy together. We've been dating for about 6 months, and I love her more and more with each day. I can't imagine my life without her.

Charley USA

I was on this dating site for about 6 months and I found my current girlfriend. She's perfect for me, and I can't believe I found her here. I was looking for someone who was smart, beautiful, and funny, and I found all of that in my Nina. She's also very kind and compassionate, and I feel very grateful that I found her.

Facundo & Sofiia Argentina

After a long time of being alone and feeling like something was missing in my life, I decided to try online dating. I was both excited and unsure about it. I made a profile and started this new adventure. I didn't know it then, but my life was about to change. As I looked at many profiles, one person stood out to me. Her smile was warm and her words were kind. We started talking and I was really interested in her smartness and funny jokes. We decided to meet in person and I was very nervous. When we saw each other, everything felt perfect. We talked and laughed for a long time and got to know each other better. Every day, our connection grew stronger. We found out we liked the same things, supported each other through tough times, and celebrated our successes together. Love happened in a surprising way and I couldn't be happier.

Mark and Julia

Hello! My name is Mark and I'm the (former, by the way) user of this wonderful site. Why wonderful? Because I never thought that Internet can bring me love! To begin with, I'm a common man. I don't care about appearance of the person. What has always been the most important for me ā€“ that is inner world and soul. But my problem was that I couldn't find out what's on the ladies' mind! She can be so beautiful but when I start to talk to her, she turns to be empty. Like a beautiful shiny bottle full of plain water. And I got so much tired of such mistakes. I surely tried to date ladies, but this always was a real lame. I wasted so much time trying to figure out whom I'm dating and which cockroaches she has in her head. I was tired. I stopped dating and wasn't even interested in communication. Friends were mocking at me, but I didn't care. That was my business. But one of them understood me and advised to register o this site. Said that I will manage to know a woman before serious dating. And it worked! At first I looked and these shiny beautiful ladies and sighed ā€“ everything was as always. Beautiful and empty. But I was wrong. Of course, here are various ladies, but many of them are educated and interesting interlocutors. So, among all Julia attracted my attention. She was like me. The only difference was that men were interested only in her appearance and didn't care about her soul. I understood her. She was and is like my soulmate. I was really happy that I read her first message about such her problem, it touched me. I communicated for a long year with her. I doubted a little. But at last I thought that I'm a man. I must act. And I came. That was destiny, it was so simple with her, so easy to talk to, and we understood each other well. Looks like our cockroaches in heads enjoyed each other :) So, I want to thank this site. From the bottom of my heart. I'm happy now, and I wish everyone to reach the same and find their love. I'm sure the one and only one is waiting for you on the pages of this site.

Boris, Poland

Thank you for what makes people happy. I have long suffered from loneliness. When I browse the Internet resources. I accidentally saw the site for dating MeetBrides. After reviewing it, I realized that here I can find a woman who will help brighten up my loneliness. View profile of girls, I realized that there are a lot of girls fit my type of ideal woman. After talking with them, I realized that the girls on this site can really help me in solving my problem. Now I met a woman who changed my life and made me happy. Now I don't spend my time in vain. All my free time I spend with her. What makes me happy. Thanks to this site that helped me start a new life and find their other half. Do not be afraid to change your life, start to act now. Make yourself happy.

Peter and Anna

Hi! I'm Peter from Warsaw. And I'm really surprised there are so many pretty and single ladies in Ukraine. Probably there should be some reason for this, but until now I couldn't understand how come beautiful and intelligent girls are lonely. I'm over 40 already and it's not easy for me to find the right woman to share my life with. The older we are the more demanding and picky we become. But anyway I was always sure that one day I'll meet my soul mate! Finally the day has come!)) From the first day I registered on MeetBrides I noticed a girl. You know sometimes you may just have a look at somebody and you can feel the person. So Anna has caused my interest from the first glance. Our online story was around 3 months before I proposed her to meet anywhere she would like. And her positive answer gave me a hope that my lonely life can be changed soon for the better one. Anna was fond of history and suggested to spend together a week in Athens. The place of our meeting was not important for me, but I had to read some books about history of Greece so to impress her. And I believe I was really good in history because it's almost one year since we live together in Warsaw. Thanks to Athens and my special thanks to MeetBrides!

My love was waiting for me in Ukraine
Happy Couple from MeetBrides

I'm the one who was never taking online dating services serious. It was always just some kind of flirt for me. I live in Canada and frankly speaking at the moment I started to communicate with the single ladies online I had a girlfriend from my office. I was not ready for some serious steps with that girl but I was thinking our relations just needed time. I don't know how come I fell in love with one of the girls from MeetBrides. This feeling was so different and took all of me. If you have ever been in love you'll understand what I'm talking about. It's when you are not interested in any other woman. You are not looking for anything but opportunity to talk to her or to see her. My Svitlana lives in Ukraine and there is a huge distance between us. But even despite that great distance we constantly meet each other. It's hard to put in words what kind of feelings I have while next to here. This summer we'll get married and it's going to be the most beautiful and important day in my life! I could never believe my love was waiting for me in Ukraine! My Svitlana speaks English quite well but I love to listen to her Ukrainian speech. This language is like an amazing love song and I hope our children will speak both of the languages.

Greetings from ex-bachelor

Hello to all the bachelors of the world! How's your life going? Are you still enjoying your single and selfish life style? Or maybe you are sick and tired of such purposeless life? I'm Jose from Santiago, Chile. I'm 37 and looking back into my past I totally admit that there was nothing really valuable in my life until I met Ekaterina from Kherson, Ukraine. Of course I am grateful to my parents for their care and the perfect education they gave me, I'm also happy to have such good friends like I have in my life and my job is very interesting and gainful as well. But for a real man this kind of life is just inane as for me. I mean if you're avoiding serious relationships now you will have the same Ā«emptyĀ» life after several years later. From one side it looks much easier to live like this. No need to take care of anybody, no need to remember her date of birth, no rush on Valentine's Day etc. But what a primitive life it is! It's like to live with the eyes half open. Can you imagine yourself in five, ten years? Who is gonna be next to you..? All I want to say is open your eyes and start living! Time is so fast! Create something serious and important in your life. Find your lovely woman, open your heart and give love a chance! Don't lie to yourself that you can live without love. The question is if you really want to live without love?! I appreciate the support that MeetBrides gave me. I believe a lot of single people will find each other with the help of this dating service like me and Ekaterina did! Adios!

My Tatyana is my destiny

Hi to everybody who is still looking for the special woman! If you're searching a woman with kind heart, gorgeous body and attractive mind, believe me it's not a fairy tale and such girls exist! I met a lady like this online and will do my best to build up a strong and sincere relationship with her! I know what I'm talking about. I had a lot of women in my life but none of them can be compared with my Ukrainian baby! I've met Tatyana online last summer. After two months I came to Cherkassy to visit her. Our days were just incredible! She is so much delightful! As for me she knows everything man needs and wants! When she is laughing or talking I cannot stop watching her. She charms with her voice and her smile. And the most important for me is that Tatyana has two university degrees and in addition to all this she is professional singer. I was always interested in well-educated women, but I guess my lovely baby knows even more than me ;) I adore my baby-girl and I cannot find proper words to express my appreciation to MeetBrides team! You just the best!! Keep on making people happy!!

Sam and Natalia

I was never thinking a man of 45 years old is able to write anything like this. Perhaps this is love that makes us behave unusual. I'm Sam. Two years ago a woman I loved left meā€¦ Sometimes it's very difficult to realize that you cannot change some events in your life. And the only way to move on is to accept and to agree with someone's decision. So I was using Ā«meetbridesĀ» to find a lady who will help me to start a new life. They say that every bad day is following by a happy one. And this is such a true as for me. With the help of this dating service I met the most beautiful, kind and intelligent woman. Her name's Natalia and she's 32. Both of us had some sad experience in relationships before that's why we didn't want to hurry with our first real meeting. And we were not expecting that our 7 months conversation will bring us so close to each other. It was Natalia who proposed to organize our first meeting. It was her who gave us chance. But trust me the day we met first time in Odessa was the day when I started my new life. True love is not a miracle! We are together now and are the happiest couple in the world!

Are you going to change your life? Are you ready to open your heart to the wind of changes and take a step to your future? As for me, I must say that I was quite sure I'm not a family-oriented person. No, no, no! Wife and kids? Big happy family? Oh, I was sure it is not for me! I don't believe in such fairy tales, hehehe. Actually, I didn't. Anyway I was tired of being alone and wanted just to find someone who will join my life and will become my mate. I don't know what for, but I registered at different Dating sites. I started my search here without big enthusiasm. I saw many classy gorgeous ladies who was soooo beautiful that even looked unreal. I didn't believe they were true. In spite of that I started our communication. I met in chat some of my new acquaintances and found they are real! And in reality they are even more charming than at their photos! Some ladies seemed interested in me. We had much in common, they were disappointed in men of their country, Ukraine. So I decided to visit Ukraine and organize our first meeting in persons. Yes, some of them gave up. But three others were glad to meet me. I stayed there longer than I planned. After I met my Irinka I understood I don't want anything more. I don't need anything more. All I need is her love. I took a getaway that was continued for a month. Yes, I spent a lot of time (and, seems, a lot of money too, hehehe) to conquer her heart. But I don't regret anything, it was worth it! I fell in love with her from the first moment of our meeting and the more we communicated, the more she liked me. She introduced me to her parents and her son, Nikita. We became good friends with Nikita and our relationship influenced greatly on Irinka's decision. Finally ā€“ yes! - she agreed to marry me! A guy who was disappointed in love, who didn't believe in family ā€“ yes, now I'm happy with my wife and my son! During my trip to Ukraine I understood a little more about Ukrainian ladies. They are truly incredibly beautiful. And they are really family-oriented, they don't afraid to marry a foreigner. They are perfect wives (especially my Irinka!). They just want to find ā€œa right manā€ who will prove them his love and faithfulness! Don't afraid to change your life and to win a heart of your lady!

Joy In My Life

She's my happy babe, my wonderful exotic flower, my little girl, my pretty Ukrainian wife... It started as a game, nothing serious, flirt in chat and long correspondence, and... And then she became my destiny and my life. I'm a modest and even shy man so I always felt uncomfortable when my friends tried to introduce me to a girl. I got a good education and I have an interesting job but my life sometimes seemed to me blank and meaningless, especially when the most of my friends got married and got children. At last I decided to try my luck in Internet furthermore I heard many good things about Slavic ladies so I registered on some online dating web-sites and started my search. I met many different wonderful ladies and all of them were very cute and truly beautiful. I was receiving almost a hundred letters daily so at first it looked like a fascinating amusement. But I became tired of this very soon and it seemed, my hope was betrayed. I spent a lot of money and I got nothing. But some time passed and I decided to try once more. I registered on MeetBrides and found here many sweet ladies. One of them, Olga, who was not very active but was very modest, caught my attention. I am still very surprised she was alone until we had met: she is a really stunning beauty and Ukrainian men are foolish if they didn't tie the knot with her. But they didn't; so I am lucky! We started our correspondence and soon found so much in common! So in some months we decided to meet in reality during her trip to Europe. I can't say our first date was wonderful ā€“ but it was very breathtaking. I was very excited so I could squeeze out just some words and, it seems, looked stupid. But my Olya is really intelligent, she understood my confusion and in some hours we chatted like old friends. Her trip was very short so we agreed to meet in some weeks. Next time I went to Ukraine and this trip was really amazing. Olya's parents were very friendly, as well as her younger sister. And when my lovely lady cooked me Ukrainian dishes, I understood I found a real paradise and I'm very lucky man! I felt in love with my dear Olya and I still love her, my Goddess, my Queen, after 3 years of our marriage like in a first day of our honeymoon. So now we both are sincerely grateful to MeetBrides for Joy and Happiness in our life!

Ditmar and Oksana

I found a wonderful perfect woman and I am the happiest husband in a world! I spent almost 5 years in a search of a woman of my dreams. I was married and that was one of the worst mistakes in my life. Actually after my divorce I received many greetings but that story is forgotten now. All my friends recommended me to find a Slavic woman. First of all because these women are the most beautiful in all over the world, they're also very housewifely, like to cook and devoted to their husband. Here's the information from what I started my travel at the web-sites. As to my search, at start it wasn't very successful. It's not that I didn't find wonderful ladies ā€“ there are so many cuties on all these sites! In fact, I just strayed among them. I lost my mind and really forgot what I was looking for there. Hey cutie, hi there sweetie, hello my dear ā€“ I truly was captivated with all of them and couldn't make my choice. After being here and there I returned to the one of Online Dating sites, actually to MeetBrides and renew my search. Well, there was one mature lady at MeetBrides who didn't forget about me during my absence, and I replied her. I remember, she asked me about my heath, wasn't I ill, and that was so nice of her! I left her for a few months and she worried! After some months of our correspondence we decided to meet and I went to Ukraine, in her native Kyiv. Our meeting was really touching and I finally felt in love with my tender sweet lady Oksana. In couple months I invited her (with one her old friend, because she was afraid to travel alone) to visit Europe and my native Germany and Munich. Ladies liked that journey very much, also my lady was very friendly with my family and my mom liked her very much so in some weeks everything in our relationship was on its places. We held to the reason and set the date of our wedding. So what can I say? Who does nothing, will receive nothing and will never be disappointed. And I found a woman I cannot live without. And believe it or not but now I'm a happiest man in a world!


I didn't know much about Ukraine but now I am in love with its culture and traditions and of course gorgeous Ukrainian girls! When I first came at this site I didn't know where to start ā€¦and whom I should communicate with ...Ukrainian women are like superstars and I can't help but wonder why all these gorgeous women are singleā€¦ I guess Ukrainian men are blind. I made a lot of friends here and I hope they will meet me this spring. I want to come to Ukraine as soon as possible because I am tired to be single. I want to say thank you for all your services. I like that this site is quite simple to use. I like video chat and that I can call to a woman and hear her voice. I believe that I will find the perfect match on this site and I can't wait to have a noisy wedding in Ukrainian style with vodka and dumplings!


Hello to everyone! Don't tell it to my wife, but honestly I wasn't looking for something serious, I've joined this site because wanted to meet a sexy lady from Ukraine. But do you know what? I am a married man now, and my wife Valeria is the most beautiful and intelligent woman in Ukraine! You may be interested why I've changed my mind? The answer is simple ā€“ a good woman changes everything in man's life and makes him happy! When I was in chat with some sexy ladies I saw a gorgeous Russian woman in red t-shirt. I thought that she wants to talk to me, but she said that was looking for someone serious and family oriented. I said good-bye and forgot about Valeria for a while. But when I was in chat again I saw her and felt that I was ready for something serious with her. Valeria was strict and ironic so I felt like a boy who knew nothing about women. Our first date was terrible, I thought that I've ruined everything! But the next day she called and invited me to the circus! I didn't expect that, but decided to go. We were laughing like kids and it melted the ice between us! Ukrainian women are amazing! They are wise and know everything about life!!Valeria knows exactly what I need! She even offered not to have a big wedding but spend our wedding money on a trip to Africa! I guess all my life I was looking for Valeria, I just didn't realize itā€¦ Folks, don't be afraid to fall in love! With my Ukrainian wife I fear nothing! Even lions on safari! Thank you the team of this site for your help! Good luck in your search, never give up!

Happy couple USA

Hi to all searchers for the right person in their life! I've joined this site because of loneliness. My friends thought that I was crazy and desperate but I didn't listen to them! To be honest, I didn't know that women in Ukraine are so attractive; all my ex-girlfriends can't be compared with them in beauty and charm. I like that this site has not only regular mails but also video dates and phone calls. I didn't comprehend that so many Russian women were lonely and wanted to have my attention. That was not an easy choice but I've made it when I saw Marina from Nikolayev. Now I am in love not only with Marina, but also Ukraine. I guess I'm ready to move to Ukraine to be with my bride and her family. Marina and I are so happy and we are going to have a great future together and this is all due to your site! Once again thank you and Iā€˜ll recommend your service to my friends.

Allan and Lyudmila

Dear MeetBrides stuff, I've enjoyed your services and I'm happy to report that I've become engaged to a gorgeous woman from Ukraine. Thank you for your part in helping me to find the most important person in my life! The day when I've met my Lyudmila made me believe in fate! I joined this site because of curiosity. I didn't expect much from the dating site cause after my painful divorce I couldn't trust any woman. But I've received a letter that changed my views. A woman from Kirovograd was brave enough to write me that after diverse she felt lonely and disappointed in Ukrainian men. She had simple photos and don't know why but I felt that I could trust this woman with kind eyes. She was simple and honest. In her letters she's told me about her everyday life, problems and achievements. First meeting was very unusual because I didn't get used to have a date with a translator. But our translator Maria was very understanding and polite, so Lyudmila and I spent a wonderful time together. There was definitely a culture shock for both of us at the first day but after some time we were on our way to a great life together! You know, we didn't make plans, didn't say the loud words to each other, we just held hands and didn't want to be single any more. Right now we are living together in San Antonio and can't imagine our life without each other! I wish every man on this site to meet his Lyudmila and to believe in fate! Because life is too short to live with pain and disappointments! Thank you guys for my rebirth! Good luck to everyone!