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Diana (ID: 707203) Online
Country: Ukraine
City: Lvov
Age: 22
Weight:110 lbs. (50kg.)
Height: 5'7" (1.70m)
Languages: English
Body type: Thin
Hair color: Blond
Hair length: Averages
Eye color: Gray
Ethnicity: European
Marital status: Single
Children: No children
On the body: Piercing
Life priorities: Creative realization, Family, long term relations
Smoker: No
Drinker: No
Place of residing: Apartment
Financial position: Non stable income

Looking for : The main thing for me in a relationship is always sincerity between partners. I can accept and forgive a lot if I learn about it from you. Just like myself, I never lie and always speak as openly as possible about everything. My idea of ​​an ideal family is to share thoughts about working at home. At home, we must devote time to each other and our future children. And also make plans for the future. And be able to relax with the whole family. And, of course, I will do everything to maintain a pleasant atmosphere in the house, which will always be clean and smell of food. That the whole family would always like to return home as soon as possible.

About me : Hello, if this is your first time visiting my profile, then I am glad to welcome you. And I want to emphasize your good taste. It is important to me that you pay attention. This could be a great start for our future. I think your first question for me is why am I here? It's simple. Foreign men have a special mentality and ability to appreciate women. Despite the difference in age. Which is not a problem for me. Therefore, I am here and my intentions to find my love are very serious. For this, it is necessary to take steps towards each other. The first step is over if you are reading this. And the next one also depends on you. If you feel something for me, then write me about it in a message. After all, it can be mutual. And we can get to know each other even closer in this way.

Qualities that I appreciate in people the most : I love it when there is a kind of “warmth” in communication, I really appreciate intelligent people, as well as their attentiveness, honesty, fairness and kindness, I have quite big goals.

My goals for the future : I plan to become a professional model. In the direction of modeling, I have been developing for quite a long period, from the beginning it was a hobby, but it turned out that way and grew into further plans.

My travel destinations (past or future) : I love traveling around Europe, I plan to visit London, because I really like their culture.

I spend a lot of time thinking about (or my dream is) : Become a global model and conquer all fashion shows.

My favorite movies, books, music, shows : Favorite TV series "Royal screams", "Gentlemen Prefer Blondes" and "Stranger Things".

My favorite food : From food I give the advantage of Asian cuisine, but at the moment I eat right.

Pets in my life : Unfortunately, I don't have any pets.

Talking about sports : I actively go in for sports, I think that it is useful not only for the body, health, etc., but also for distraction.

The five things I can't live without : Accessories, phone, music, family and friends.

You should message me if : If you are a positive person ready to give others your emotions, write. Let's do it together.

Job : Model