Light theme:
Elena (ID: 150734) Offline
Country: Ukraine
City: Dnipro
Age: 43
Weight:125 lbs. (57kg.)
Height: 5'7" (1.70m)
Languages: English, Russian, Ukrainian
Body type: Thin
Hair length: Averages
Eye color: Brown
Ethnicity: European
Marital status: Single
Smoker: No
Drinker: No
Hair color: Golden
Financial position: Stable average income
Place of residing: Apartment
Children: 1 child

Looking for : MY MAN!!!!!!!!!!!!! IS IT YOU? lets check

About me : If you read my profile it is already means something, that you found me amoung the thouthands of woman. Many people who learn about my profession think that I am very strong woman and my friends-girls say that it scares many men. But I hop[e this not scare you! While speaking to me you will understand that I am feminine and in need of care and love woman. I have a happy family - my children. I want to find lover, friend,soulmate, and finally husband in one person. Is it not too much from one man???? Thats why I am here. I want to share my love with the man, who will support me at sorowws and share our happiness. I love telling jokes and making my friends smile. I am quite sociable and talkative and I like being around people. I have a lot of friends and acquaintances. As for my hobbies ? Sometimes I am volunteer ,we help homeless animals. I like to make something with my hands. Something beautiful. I belive that the best present that is something you make by you hands and with all your heart full of love. Do you want I make something special for you?
